A downloadable game


                   NOTE : This demo has been removed

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BlackForge is a new take on weaponsmithing in VR, pick up your hammer and freeform the metal to your will! No molds can hold you back anymore! 

Feel free to leave any feedback in the comments down below!

Join our Discord Comunity for BlackForge VR here for more updates!

Development log


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this game is the best game 

Thanks! 😁🥰

(1 edit) (+1)

can you add a tutorial and Handles just curious

We're working on a proper demo right now, with a tutorial to help "onboarding".
And handles in different materials are planned, but not sure if we can get them ready for the next demo 🤔 We'll see! 😁🔨




Any chance it could work on WMR? I can get in, and pick up the book, however nothing seems to trigger movement.

If WMR is supported through the SteamVR API, you should just be able to rebind the actions to any buttons that work for you! 😄
We don't have WMR controllers to debug from here, but let us know if it works! 🙂

please make this playable on the quest 2.

That is definitely on our radar! 

Although currently it's planed for a later stage in development, but we'll keep you updated when we have any news! :)

honestly, I think this game has potential. I really like the style of the game so far. 

My only critiques would be that the cubes that represent our hands aren't great.. hands would be much better.   

Also, the grabbing the hammers and holing them at the right angles for what you want to do isn't quite intuitive enough yet. (sure that'll improve once we've got hands though!)  

All in all, keep up the good work!


Thank you! Yeah, we're currently working on the grabbing systems and changing out the white-box models. :)

I quite enjoyed this but found it difficult to make something that resembled what I wanted. Maybe for beginners you could pick from a list of template items where you simply hit the block of metal and it transforms to that partly completed item? That would get people to try the other features more easily.

The 'Rune pencils' didn't seem to do anything. I was probably using them wrong? I tried to write on the sword I was making like it was a pencil.

The graphics were nice and lots of thought was given to the additional tasks. I did like that you could go upstairs and see some scenery through the windows.

It would be good to see gloved hands rather than the blocks? And have something to pick up that red hot metal out of the forge. You can just put your hand in and pick it up! That's probably because it is an early version.

Will be nice to see the next incarnation.

We're glad you've enjoyed it so far, and definitely, we're thinking about how to introduce and help the player to create the shapes they want. We don't want to make too many constraints for the player though, so it's an interesting task. 

The pencils will currently only work if the piece has been hardened, indicated with smoke when cooling from a hot temperature, they are quite finicky at the moment though, as they are concepts of tools we want the player to have. Currently, it works sort of like an "airbrush" holding it near, and pressing A or B should work.

We're looking forward to the next iteration! :)


This looks amazing. Gonna try it today


Awesome, tell us how you liked it when you're done! :)


I tried it for a while, I'm not so sure I like it sadly, definitely has promise but the weight of the weapons and the weird floatyness of my hands makes it a pretty bad experience. Also when hitting material with the hammer it just deleted it instead of displacing material. But still the game has so much promise and im gonna be here with every update!


Yeah, It's still in a very early prototype stage so there's a lot of tuning left in those areas. We're looking forward to hear your feedback in the future updates! :)